Sheridan Construction provided Preconstruction and Design-Build services for the renovation of Bernd Elementary. The project was done on a very tight schedule and performed on an active campus. Design started in May of 2015 and the construction started in July. The renovation included new flooring and paint throughout the building, which were done during the month of July and finished before the new school year in August. The restrooms received plumbing improvements, new fixtures and were brought up to ADA standards. The renovation also included exterior modifications. Bernd was plagued with a very inadequate parking lot that caused numerous problems with parking and bus loading and unloading. Sheridan added a new faculty parking lot and bus drop off lane with covered canopies. New canopies were also added at the front drop off location. Hardscape upgrades included new landscaping and sidewalks around the building. The gymnasium was upgraded with a new HVAC system and flooring for the basketball courts.
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Bernd Elementary – Bibb County School District

Location: Macon, Georgia
Owner: Bibb County School District
Architect: SP Design Group Architects and Engineers